Pinch Salt
Coconut Oil for greasing your Cup
1 Egg
2Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 Tablespoons Sugar Substitute or 2 Sachets Sweetener
1tbsp Full Cream Plain Yogurt
½ Tsp Vanilla or Carmel Extract
¼ Tsp Baking powder
1 Block Diet Doctor-Approved Chocolate (Optional)
1.Grease the inside of your desired mug with a little bit of coconut oil. This is just so that it doesn’t stick to the sides.
2.In a small bowl, beat the egg. Set aside. In a separate, slightly larger bowl, mix cocoa powder, sugar substitute and salt. Add Yogurt, vanilla, or caramel essence and egg to dry ingredients. Mix well. Add baking powder and mix again.
3. Place in your mug and firmly tap the mug on the counter to release any large air bubbles.
4.Cook for around 1 minute 20 seconds depending on your microwave. The top of the cake should be solid but moist. Flip in a plate and enjoy
Melt 1 Block chocolate approve chocolate and pour over warm Mug cake so that is can absorb the liquid… This makes the cake a little bit moister and oh so heavenly.
This recipe serves 1 protein serving