Don’t let Corona Virus quarantine you from your diet

You have done all the hard work and stuck to your new found ways and now this!! Do you feel the Corona-virus is having an effect on your weight loss journey and your ability to stay focused?

With all the challenges and uncertainty, we get distracted. With the cancellations of schools, popular events, and the general disruption to people’s lives we naturally start to find excuses to not follow through on our commitments.

However, if there is ever a time to stay committed to health and wellness goals, now is the time. Staying focused and staying informed is your best defence. Besides, not attending so many events and gatherings make it easier to stay on track.

Why stay on Protocol: our plan consists of healthy proteins, veggies, fruits, water, low sugar, low processed items. Deviating from the protocol would likely mean you start eating more chemically processed and sugary foods that can contribute to a lowered immune system.  Keeping your immune system in check is imperative during these times.

Mindset & Stress: Mental strength can be beneficial in times like this. Your weight loss journey requires your focus and keeps you in check with reality. When we lose focus, we tend to stress and this raises our cortisol levels that only increase our weight. Continuing life as normal as possible during these times does not mean that you are oblivious to what is going on around you and it does not mean that you do not take the situation seriously. You DO have control over what you put in your mouth. If it becomes harder to find foods not on the allowed list, remember you can substitute 2 of your main meals per day with a protein shake.

Community support: We are all in the same boat as you, we are all in this together. This means we can be there for each other, offer support and encouragement when the going gets tough. We are here to assist you.

Vitamins and additional measures: Maintain your healthy immune and stick to your vitamins. Important now would be to add Vitamin C, Zinc. When taking your Vitamin B6 please make sure they are below 30gr as higher dosages can make you feel hungry.