Baked Chicken with Lemon Bok Choy


115g Chicken Breasts or allowed protein portion

50ml Bragg’s Amino Apple cider vinegar

2TBSP Coconut amino’s


Preheat oven to 200 degrees celsuis.

Slice breasts with a sharp knife into tenders

Place tenders into zip lock bag with apple cider vinegar and coconut aminos.

Store in theĀ  refrigerator for an hour.

Place Chicken tenders on a cooking sheet and cook for 20 mins on first side, flip and cook

additional 10 minutes or until all meat is white NOT PINK.

1 lunch serving

Tip: You can even bulk up this recipe and prep in advance.




1 Heads of baby bok choy cut in half

1 TBSP avo oil

2 T Coconut aminos

15ml Lemon Juice

1 Green onion, thinly sliced


Prepare the grill. Mix coconut aminos, lemon juice and green onion. Rub the cut bok choy with Avo oil and place cut side down on the grill. Cover the grill and cook for several minutes on each side depending on the heat of the grill. When done, dress with amino’s dressing and serve hot.

1 Lunch Protein serving and 1 Fat serving